Mordekaiser Build Guide, Top Runes, Items 12.9 NA, LoL - META…
A Mordekaiser Battle Brother shown in the incorrect colour scheme. Due to the often disorganised system of the Administratum there was a brief time period when the Imperium believed the Mordekaisers had a …
Original Mordekaiser Variations of the Season 2019 Split 2 emotes are given to players who play enough ranked to obtain 500 Split Points. This emote was the first appearance of the reworked Original Mordekaiser months … Managed to get #1 Mordekaiser on EUW in season 8. Play Sion, be a bitch and sit under tower until your jungler ganks you. Morde can't kill you in lane and can't win the 1v2 since you're Sion. It's probably the easiest to learn counter to him.
Back on track with some Metal backing me upyou can send me replay files at:necrit.replay@gmail.comRoyalty Free Music by: There isn't a lot that directly counters Morde currently. Every melee matchup pretty much dreads him if he plays correctly. It is possible to beat him of Jayce. Este campeón es el que más recomiendo contra Mordekaiser, ya que puede atacar desde una buena distancia gracias a su pasiva. Cuando Mordekaiser este desgastado con el gran pockeo de Jayce, este puede entrar y acabar con él sin problemas con su martillo. Si en un dado caso Mordekaiser … Counterpick / Platinum 4 71LP / 127Win 121Lose Win Rate 51% / Malzahar - 32Win 20Lose Win Rate 62%, Hecarim - 13Win 11Lose Win Rate 54%, Pantheon - 14Win 9Lose Win Rate 61%, Malphite - 7Win 12Lose Win … The reworked Mordekaiser is primarily a top lane champion, but he does surprisingly well in mid. We've come accustomed to him as a rare pocket pick, plagued with … Mordekaiser is Weak Against. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 12.8. The strongest counter would be Kennen, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.27% …
Mordekaiser Counter Stats · Mordekaiserthe Iron Revenant | Ranked #46 out of 82 in Top · Top Lane (82%) Mordekaiser Top Lane Counters: 56,314 35,080 17,428 3,303 Tier: S+ Win Rate: 49.14% Role Rate: 73.17% Pick Rate: 5.05% Ban Rate: 4.88% Games: 2729 KDA: 1.95 Score: 58.43. Welcome to the METAsrc statistical Mordekaiser build guide, Top Lane 12.7 NA. We have calculated the highest win rate item build, best runes for Mordekaiser… Tippek ellene. Mordekaiser erős sebző aurát hoz létre a hősök elleni harcban, ezért próbálj távol maradni tőle. Az általa okozott sebzésből erős pajzsot hozhat létre, amelyet életerővé alakíthat. A Halál birodalma teljesen …
Alistar vs Mordekaiser Counter Build MOBA Champion
Mordekaiser: Pantheon: Warwick/JarvanIV/Talon: Hard CC, Kitability: SoloMid: Get to know the distance of his trick. 31. Galio: Pantheon: Talon: Zed: Amumu/Fiddlesticks/Kennen: Hard CC, … Mordekaiser's ultimate is one of the trickiest to use effectively in the game. Yeah anyone can run in, ult the support, and get a kill, but how is that gonna help you afterward. Supports don't build a lot of stats and lategame a lot of the power of your ultimate comes from the stats you steal from the target.
Mordekaiser counters & best partners - League of Legends
Mordekaiser is Weak Against. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 12.8. The strongest counter would be Kennen, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.27% …
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Back on track with some Metal backing me upyou can send me replay files at:necrit.replay@gmail.comRoyalty Free Music by: There isn't a lot that directly counters Morde currently. Every melee matchup pretty much dreads him if he plays correctly. It is possible to beat him of Jayce. Este campeón es el que más recomiendo contra Mordekaiser, ya que puede atacar desde una buena distancia gracias a su pasiva. Cuando Mordekaiser este desgastado con el gran pockeo de Jayce, este puede entrar y acabar con él sin problemas con su martillo. Si en un dado caso Mordekaiser … Counterpick / Platinum 4 71LP / 127Win 121Lose Win Rate 51% / Malzahar - 32Win 20Lose Win Rate 62%, Hecarim - 13Win 11Lose Win Rate 54%, Pantheon - 14Win 9Lose Win Rate 61%, Malphite - 7Win 12Lose Win … The reworked Mordekaiser is primarily a top lane champion, but he does surprisingly well in mid. We've come accustomed to him as a rare pocket pick, plagued with … Mordekaiser is Weak Against. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 12.8. The strongest counter would be Kennen, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.27% …
The Best Counter Picks Mordekaiser is Weak Against - RankedBoost
Jul 22, 2010 Iron Man allows an armor-heavy Morde to absorb a lot of punishment from abilities, as the abilities tend to hit first. Conversely, Iron Man can A Mordekaiser Battle Brother shown in the incorrect colour scheme. Due to the often disorganised system of the Administratum there was a brief time period when the Imperium believed the Mordekaisers had a … Mordekaiser Power Spikes. At level 6, Mordekaiser’s kill pressure increases. Whenever his Ultimate R is up, you need to play more respectfully. Mordekaiser has a strong all-in potential as soon as he hits …
Mordekaisers Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki Fandom
Counterpick / Platinum 4 71LP / 127Win 121Lose Win Rate 51% / Malzahar - 32Win 20Lose Win Rate 62%, Hecarim - 13Win 11Lose Win Rate 54%, Pantheon - 14Win 9Lose Win Rate 61%, Malphite - 7Win 12Lose Win … The reworked Mordekaiser is primarily a top lane champion, but he does surprisingly well in mid. We've come accustomed to him as a rare pocket pick, plagued with … Mordekaiser is Weak Against. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 12.8. The strongest counter would be Kennen, a moderately diffcult to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 50.27% …